Testing async React Redux using Jest

August 18, 2019

In this article I’ll outline two approaches that have worked well for me when testing React component logic that is tied to async Redux actions.

An example of this would be a <Search /> component that calls a search service and displays results. I’ll use this example in the code below.

The Problem

When functionality of React components is closely coupled with Redux actions/reducers and API calls, they become a bit harder to test than a standalone component. Ideally you want to test the integration of the component, the Redux ecosystem and the asynchronous API calls (this most closely resembles the end user’s experience). But unless you have a working API some mocking will need to happen.

The Solution

As I’ll explain below, the solutions I’ve found to work well are 1) mocking the Redux actions that trigger async API calls, and 2) mocking the API calls themselves. This allows you to test the interface of the React component without needing an actual API to return results.

Mocking Redux Actions

The Test

Here is a basic example of what a <Search /> test might look like:

// search-test.js

import setup from './setup';

test('should send correct search params to API on submit', () => {
  const { submitButton, params, actions } = setup();

  // Let's assume the search form already 
  // has the search values in place.


The Setup

This file allows you to export the rendered <Search /> component integrated with a Redux store, along with mocked Redux actions. While this could live in the test file, I prefer to keep them separate for greater reusability.

Your actual setup may need to change based on your test lib; I had React Testing Library in mind when writing this.

// setup.js

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import render from 'your-testing-lib';
import actions from '../search/actions';
import reducer from '../search/reducer';
import Search from '../search/component';

jest.mock('../search/actions', () => {
  return {
    search: jest.fn(() => {
      // It is common for an action to return a higher order 
      // function that exposes "dispatch", especially when
      // using redux-thunk. To keep the tests synchronous
      // we'll just return an object.
      return {
        // Note: the type string must be entered
        // manually vs importing a constant, due
        // to jest.mock being hoisted
        type: 'SUBMIT_SEARCH',
        payload: { ...somePayload }

export default function setup({
  initialState = { ...someInitialState }
} = {}) {
  const testingLibFns = render(
    <Provider store={createStore(reducer, initialState)}>
      <Search />

  return {
    params: { ...someSearchParams },
    submitButton: testingLibFns.getByText('Submit'),

This setup will allow you to test your component and a portion of the Redux integration, without needing to deal with a real API or async code.

Mocking API Calls

The Test

Another good way of testing the integration of components, Redux and API is by mocking the API calls instead of Redux actions. Here is an example of mocking axios:

// mock-api-test.js

import axios from 'axios';
import setup from './setup';


afterAll(() => {

test('should render correct search results', async () => {
  const { submitButton, params, actions, getByText } = setup();

  await axios.mockResolvedValue(someResponse);

  // Let's assume the search form already 
  // has the search values in place.

  await getByText(someResponse.values[0]);

The Setup

The setup file would need to be slightly different when mocking the API since you’ll need your async Redux actions to remain in place, so we will not mock them. This typically means you’ll need to add your Redux middleware to the fake Redux store:

// setup.js

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import render from 'your-testing-lib';
import actions from '../search/actions';
import reducer from '../search/reducer';
import Search from '../search/component';
import middleware from '../redux-middleware';

export default function setup({
  initialState = { ...someInitialState }
} = {}) {
  const testingLibFns = render(
    <Provider store={createStore(reducer, initialState, middleware)}>
      <Search />

  return {
    params: { ...someSearchParams },
    submitButton: testingLibFns.getByText('Submit'),

If you have other ideas or thoughts let me know!

Bryce Dooley

A blog by Bryce Dooley — a Software Engineer, Dad, Husband, and Productivity Nerd — based out of Boston, MA.